
Showing posts from August, 2012

Installing Sun JAVA in Ubuntu

Step by step: Download  JDK  from  Sun/Oracle . Choose bin version (not rpm). The file would be in form of  jdk-version-platform.bin  (in my case it was:  jdk-6u25-linux-x64.bin  ) Add execution rights to the downloaded file $ chmod u+x jdk-6u25-linux-x64.bin Execute script. It will unpack its content to current directory (press  Enter  when asked) $ ./jdk-6u25-linux-x64.bin Now you should have directory i.e.  jdk1.6.0_25/  with  JDK  files in it. Move unpacked  JDK  to final destination e.g.  /opt/java/ $ sudo mv jdk1.6.0_25/ /opt/java/ Create symbolic link to that directory that will represent this  JDK  in general regardless current version. It will ease the future updates of  JDK . I can any name. I have chosen  sun-java6-manual $ cd /opt/java/ $ sudo ln -s jdk1.6.0_25 sun-java6-manual Now create another symbolic link in  /usr/lib/jvm  pointing to previous one. $ cd /usr/lib/jvm/ $ sudo ln -s /opt/java/sun-java6-manual I assume that you have already installed  Sun JDK  

How to Back Up and Restore NTFS and Share Permissions Using ICACLS

To save: D:\> icacls D:\acltest /save perms.txt /t /c processed file: D:\acltest processed file: D:\acltest\Screens processed file: D:\acltest\Trooper.txt processed file: D:\acltest\web-core.jar processed file: D:\acltest\Screens\adminGroup_perms.JPG processed file: D:\acltest\Screens\admin_perms.JPG processed file: D:\acltest\Screens\AdvSecuritySetting_AllowAdminGroup_perms processed file: D:\acltest\Screens\AdvSecuritySetting_AllowAdminGroup_perms processed file: D:\acltest\Screens\AdvSecuritySetting_AllowAdmin_perms_1.JPG processed file: D:\acltest\Screens\AdvSecuritySetting_AllowAdmin_perms_2.JPG processed file: D:\acltest\Screens\AdvSecuritySetting_AllowEveryone_perms_1. processed file: D:\acltest\Screens\AdvSecuritySetting_AllowEveryone_perms_2. processed file: D:\acltest\Screens\AdvSecuritySetting_DenyAdmin_perms.JPG processed file: D:\acltest\Screens\AdvSecuritySetting_noInherit_perms.JPG processed file: D:\acltest\Screens\EffectivePerm_Everyone_1.JPG pro