Using Diskpart to Create Partition in Windows 7

1. You will first need to shrink a partition or volume to create a unallocated partition to use to create the new partition or volume with.

2. Open a elevated command prompt, or a command prompt at boot.

3. In the elevated command prompt, type diskpart and press Enter. (See screenshot below)
Partition or Volume - Create New-cmd_create_step1.jpg
4. In the elevated command prompt, type list disk and press Enter. (See screenshot below)
NOTE: This is to help you ID the disk number that has Free unallocated space that you want to create a new partition with. For example, Disk 1 with 80 GB of free space.
Partition or Volume - Create New-cmd_create_step2.jpg
5. In the elevated command prompt, type select disk # and press Enter. (See screenshot below)
NOTE: You would substitute # for the disk number listed that you want to create a new partition with the free unallocated space there. For example, I want to create a new partition with the 80 GB of free space, so I would type select disk 2 and press Enter.
Partition or Volume - Create New-cmd_create_step3.jpg
6. In the elevated command prompt, type create partition primary and press Enter. (See screenshot below)
NOTE: This will create a new blank RAW partition with selected disk (step 5) that contains the unallocated partition free space.
Partition or Volume - Create New-cmd_create_step4.jpg
7. In the elevated command prompt, type list volume and press Enter. (See screenshot below)
NOTE: Look for the volume number that has the same Size as from the Free space in step 4. For example, Volume 3.
Partition or Volume - Create New-cmd_create_step5.jpg
8. To Format the Partition or Disk as a NTFS File System
NOTE: This would be good for using with a HDD as an example.
A) In the elevated command prompt, type format fs=ntfs quick and press Enter. (See screenshot below)
NOTE: Having quick added at the end of the command will do a quick format instead of a full format on the new blank RAW partition (step 6) to make it a new partition.
Partition or Volume - Create New-cmd_create_step6.jpg
B) Go to step 10.
9. To Format the Partition or Disk as a FAT32 File System
NOTE: This would be good for using with a USB key drive as an example. The FAT32 file system has size limitations. You cannot create a FAT32 partition greater than 32 GB. In addition, you cannot store a file larger than 4 GB on a FAT32 partition. For more information, see Comparing NTFS and FAT file systems.
A) In the elevated command prompt, type format fs=fat32 quick and press Enter. (See screenshot below)
NOTE: Having quick added at the end of the command will do a quick format instead of a full format on the new blank RAW partition (step 6) to make it a new partition.
10. When it is finished formatting, type exit in the elevated command prompt and press Enter. (See screenshot below)
Partition or Volume - Create New-cmd_create_step7.jpg
11. Close the elevated command prompt.

12. The new primary partition has now been created. You can now see the new partition in Computer with a drive letter.


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